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Vigneto a spalliera

Where we are

The heart of the winery is located between San Cipirello and Piana degli Albanesi, in the municipality of Monreale at 500 meters above sea level. All our wines are certified both organic and biodynamic. The total extension of the vineyard is 6 Ha

Trebbiano - Cultivated in Cerasa since 1400


Catarratto - "extra lucido" variety, very delicate and therefore not much cultivated today


Perricone - Rare variety that here in the Belice valley has found its cradle of origin and almost unknown because it is always vinified together with other varieties, in particular Nero d'Avola


Nerello Mascalese - Originally from the eastern area of Sicily and in particular from Etna


On the remaining 4 hectares we let our horses graze

Posizione aziendale nella sicilia

"The taste of a wine can only be unique and inimitable when it transmitts the full expression of its climate and its territory"

Nicolas Joly

Pota a verde


Apart from the use of the two preparations 500 and 501, in my opinion it is essential to talk about soil management. I make a natural green manure of essences and wild herbs for the whole winter period useful to keep the structure intact or rather the texture of the soil in a natural way.
In spring I use a shredder in several steps to stimulate the herbs to vegetate more.As the temperatures start rising I start working the soil with a ripper that opens it without turning over the soil. The final pass is made with a harrow in order to bring more oxygen into the ground, prevent cracking and evaporation of the moist since we do not water the vines.

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